Melomakarona | Greek Christmas Cookies with Honey Syrup. Perfect every time!
Smells like Christmas again this year! Today we will share with you our recipe for the most successful melomakarona cookies! Perfect every time! Follow the recipe step by step and make your home smell of Cinnamon, Orange & Cloves! One thing is for sure, you will not buy ready-made again! The first ingredient we are going to need is: your Christmas mood 
and let's get started!

For the Syrup:
500gr Water
600gr Sugar
200gr Honey
1 Orange cut in half
1 Tangerine
3-4 Cinnamon Sticks
5-6 Cloves
Μixture Α’:
300gr Orange Juice
Orange jest from 1 orange
400gr Sunflower Oil
80gr Olive Oil
40gr Sugar
3 teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cloves powder
For Serving:
Keep reading the step by step guide for this recipe
Watch the step by step video to fully understand the recipe!
Step One:
We will start with the syrup so that it cools completely until we need it for the ending of the recipe. Place the water, sugar, orange, tangerine and spices (all of the "syrup" ingredients except honey) in a saucepan. Put the pot on the fire. Once our liquid starts to boil, we will let it boil vigorously for 1 whole minute. Once a minute has passed, remove it from the heat and add in the honey. Stir lightly to incorporate the honey. Our syrup is ready. Let it cool completely, at least for 2 hours. We are going to need it later.
Step Two:
Time to start with Mixture A'. In a bowl add the orange juice & orange zest, sunflower oil, olive oil, cinnamon and clove powder. Stir lightly to dissolve the powders and add in the sugar. Beat well with the whisk to dissolve the sugar and homogenize the mixture. Mixture A' is now ready. Leave it aside and move on to the final stage.
Step Three:
It's time for Mixture B'. In a large bowl add the flour and baking soda, mix lightly and make a dent in the center.
We now take mixture A', which we prepared in the previous step, and we pour it in the dent of the mixture B'.
Mix by hand, with gentle movements until a homogeneous, pliable dough is created. Caution! We do not knead and we do not beat the dough. Our movements must be gentle so that the oil does not separate from the rest of the dough.
So our dough is ready. At this point we can shape the melomakarona by hand or use a cutter to cut into various shapes. The thickness of each melomakarono should not exceed 2 cm as they will swell slightly during baking. This year, we made them with star-shaped cutters for both convenience and beauty! Cut with your shaped cutters and place in an oven-trace on top of grease proof paper (parchment paper)
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, for 18-20 minutes, until golden brown. The smaller the melomakarona, the faster they will bake.
Once we take them out of the oven, we throw them immediately in the cold syrup (we prepared 2 hours ago). Dip them in the syrup for 30 seconds, and then tip them over the other side for another 30 seconds. Remove the melomakarona from the syrup and place them on a grill to drain. After they drain, transfer them to a plate and add a little more syrup to each melomakarono. Then, pour a little honey on top of each and sprinkle with walnuts and cinnamon! Ready, unique and super-delicious!
If you chocolate lovers, like us, you can make melomakarona with a chocolate glaze. After we syrup them and drain them, dip the melomakarona one by one in a melted chocolate, let them cool on parchment paper, and sprinkle with walnuts and leave them to cool completely. This year we glazed them with white and milk chocolate.
For the Chocolate Glaze:
Melt 200gr of white chocolate together with a spoonful of butter. We do the same for the milk chocolate. Wait for the temperature of the melted chocolate to drop a little and dip the melomakarona one by one. Melt the chocolate in microwave or with the "bain marie" method
So that was our recipe! Watch the video and follow the recipe step by step. Our recipe produces 60-65 melomakarona.
We stay home this Christmas & we stay safe, with optimism and patience, we will have fun in the kitchen! Cook, create, play & get dirty. Let your kids help you and enjoy yourselves through cooking
the time we have with our family is invaluable