Vitex agnus-castus
Country of Origin of Raw materials: USA
Dropper bottle of 30ml
Chaste tree tincture is recommended to women during menopause. Chaste tree is hormone-regulatory and combats the symptoms of menopause such as stress, depression, mood swings, anxiety, sleep disorders, night sweats and hot flashes.
Chaste tree or vitex or chasteberry tincture also helps to fight premenstrual syndrome as it regulates hormones and relieves pain and period cramps, swellings and mood swings and migraines as well. It also promotes estrogen production and boosts female fertility.
Chasteberry tincture can be beneficial for men against prostate inflammation and against decreased sexual desire and libido.
CAUTION! Chaste tree tincture should be avoided during pregnancy
Dosage: 30-50 drops daily, diluted in water (all in once or half in the morning and half at night)
Technical Datasheet VITEX AGNUS CASTUS EXTRACT: Ethanol content: 63,0 - 67,0 % v/v Density: 0,890 - 0,910 g/ml FREE from GMO (Reg. (EC) 1829/2003 and 1830/2003) FREE from BSE/TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy) GLUTEN FREE ALLERGENS: Free from substances or products causing allergies or intolerances (Annex IIIa Dir. 2007/68/EC) |
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