Tilia silvestris
Country of Origin: Greece
packaging: 50gr
Linden has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces blood pressure, eliminates stress and improves the function of the immune system.
Linden is known for its sedative and relaxing properties and helps fight stress, anxiety and mood swings. It regulates stressful hormones and calms the mind and the body. It is suitable for those suffering from chronic stress.
Linden is an excellent antipyretic. It increases sweating and reduces fever while helping to release toxins from the body. The detoxifying action of linden helps eliminate salts, fats and water from the body. The quercetin and coumarin components contained in linden help eliminate the free radicals that are responsible for mutating and destroying the cells.
In addition to its antipyretic action, linden can combat the symptoms of common cold and flu. It reduces the cough and soothes the irritated throat. At the same time it releases the respiratory tracts from mucus and phlegm. Frequent consumption of this herb effectively boosts the immune system.
Linden is suitable for the treatment of inflammation, including headaches, arthritis and gout. It also heals inflammation in the blood vessels, thus preventing the swollen tissues of patients with arthritis.
Finally, linden is therapeutic of the gastrointestinal system. It relieves the agitated stomach, reduces bloating, constipation and cramps while at the same time it stimulates digestion and ensures nutrient intake.
It is forbidden to consume linden in combination with certain medications for heart disease without the advice of a doctor.
CAUTION! Linden should be avoided during pregnancy
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