Agrimonia eupatoria
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Agrimony or sticklewort or church steeples has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve stomach and gastroesophageal disorders. It soothes irritation and inflammation in the membranes and tissues of the intestine, calms the irritated stomach and is beneficial to the digestive process.
The anti-inflammatory effect of agrimony is particularly helpful for respiratory issues such as cold, sore throat, chronic cough, bronchitis and other conditions.
Agrimony is thrombotic, reduces bleeding and speeds healing of wounds.
The anti-diabetic properties of agrimony regulate the body's glucose and insulin intake.
Agrimony can be applied to soothe injuries but also skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, rashes and eczema as it relieves the irritated area, accelerates the healing process and prevents the appearance of scars.
The active ingredients contained in agrimony, such as thiamine and catechins, enhance the health of the liver and gall bladder.
CAUTION! Agrimony should be avoided during pregnancy.
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