Hedera Helix
Country of origin: EU
Dropper bottle of 30ml
Ivy liposoluble extract
The ancient Greeks had dedicated ivy oil to Dionysus god and the Egyptians to god Osiris.
Ivy oil comes from the leaf extract of the climbing plant.
Its main ingredients are saponins, sterols, glycosides, polyalkanes, flavonoids and carotene. Ivy has antibacterial properties and reduces vasodilation, redness and swelling.
Ivy liposoluble extract is mainly used is to treat cellulite and to reduce fat by massaging the area. It has lipolytic action, it causes contraction of the vessels, prevents spider veins, and reduces the retention of fluids. Ivy oil is found in various slimming products.
Ivy liposoluble extract combines perfectly with seaweed oil to fight cellulite.
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