Aloysia citrodora
Country of Origin: Greece, from certified organic cultivation
Organic Lemon Beebrush or Lemon Verbena
Lemon beebrush is extremely helpful when trying lose weight. Drinking lemon beebrush tea reduces appetite for food and appetite for snacking between the main meals. Mainly it increases metabolism and fat burning.
Lemon beebrush helps the digestion process and relieves stomach upsets and dyspepsia. It has anticonvulsant properties, calms the stomach, reduces bloating and cramps, increases nutrient intake during the metabolic process and protects the gastrointestinal system.
Lemon beebrush has the unique ability to strengthen the muscles. Thanks to its antioxidant properties it reduces muscle damage caused by intense exercise and increases endurance. It is best to be consumed before exercise.
The anti-inflammatory effect of lemon beebrush, reduces pain in the joints in cases of arthritis or physical damage and in cases of injury.
Thanks to its antioxidant properties, lemon beebrush helps to neutralize the free radicals in the body that destroy cells and weaken the immune system. Lemon beebrush reduces oxidative stress, increases the production of white blood cells and enhances the general health of the body.
Lemon beebrush causes sweating and acts as antipyretic in cases of inflammation or cold. This herb also has expectorant properties. It relieves congestion and helps to eliminate phlegm and mucus. This way it reduces bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms and strengthens the immune system.
CAUTION! Lemon beebrush should be avoided during pregnancy
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