Betula pendula
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Silver birch or white birch or warty birch
Silver birch is known for its pesticidal and bactericidal properties. It can be applied on the skin to treat bacterial and fungal infections.
Silver birch acts as a tonic for the nervous, circulatory, and digestive system. It promotes the production of enzymes and hormones from the endocrine glands and reduces the risk of developing diabetes as it regulates insulin production.
Birch has antipyretic properties. It increases sweating, reduces body temperature, and helps to release toxins through sweat. This helps to speed up the body's recovery.
The antispasmodic and analgesic properties of silver birch help relieve headaches and toothache. It also soothes the cramps and pains of the muscles and joints. Birch stimulates the circulatory system and acts against arthritis and rheumatism.
Thanks to its diuretic action, silver birch helps to release toxins and uric acid from the body. It purifies and filters the blood, cures inflammation of the urinary system, cleanses the kidneys and reduces blood pressure. Frequent urination also prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Silver birch can be beneficial for specific dermatoses such as eczema, psoriasis and lichen, thanks to the presence of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate.
CAUTION! Silver birch should be avoided during pregnancy
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